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Improve Performance of Yahoo Finance Info on each stock

Im getting the list of all S&P 500 stocks and then storing each stocks info which contains a lot of financial information about 170 columns per stock in a dataframe the code is very slow and I was wondering if it could be improved.

import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import json
import datapackage
data_url = ''

# to load Data Package into storage
package = datapackage.Package(data_url)

# to load only tabular data
resources = package.resources
for resource in resources:
    if resource.tabular:
        data = pd.read_csv(resource.descriptor['path'])

sp500 =""
for i in spSymbols:
    sp500= sp500 + i +" " 
tickers= yf.Tickers(sp500)
dfStockInfo =[]
#bottle neck ****
for i in spSymbols:
    stock = tickers.tickers.get(i)

I would like to optimize the tickers.tickers.get(i) by trying to batch the calls. For each stock it is making an API call. I thought this line tickers= yf.Tickers(sp500) would have got me all the stock info at one time but seems not. Thanks!


  • You cannot improve this because, for each ticker you are recieving 155 columns:

    metricList = []
    for t in small:
    df = pd.concat(metricList)

    which is (for the first five tickers):

              zip       sector  fullTimeEmployees  \
    0  55144-1000  Industrials            95000.0   
    0  53224-9508  Industrials            13700.0   
    0  60064-6400   Healthcare           113000.0   
    0  60064-6400   Healthcare            50000.0   
    0       01923   Healthcare                NaN   
                                     longBusinessSummary           city  \
    0  3M Company operates as a diversified technolog...     Saint Paul   
    0  A. O. Smith Corporation manufactures and marke...      Milwaukee   
    0  Abbott Laboratories, together with its subsidi...  North Chicago   
    0  AbbVie Inc. discovers, develops, manufactures,...  North Chicago   
    0  Abiomed, Inc. engages in the research, develop...        Danvers   
              phone state        country companyOfficers                  website  \
    0  651 733 1110    MN  United States              []   
    0  414 359 4000    WI  United States              []   
    0  224 667 6100    IL  United States              []   
    0  847 932 7900    IL  United States              []   
    0  978 646 1400    MA  United States              []   
       maxAge               address1                        industry  \
    0       1              3M Center                   Conglomerates   
    0       1  11270 West Park Place  Specialty Industrial Machinery   
    0       1   100 Abbott Park Road                 Medical Devices   
    0       1  1 North Waukegan Road      Drug Manufacturers—General   
    0       1   22 Cherry Hill Drive                 Medical Devices   
       ebitdaMargins  profitMargins  grossMargins operatingCashflow  \
    0        0.26768        0.15838       0.46331        6776999936   
    0        0.19407        0.13587       0.36394         553200000   
    0        0.30320        0.17354       0.58074              None   
    0        0.50160        0.21999       0.69647              None   
    0        0.27568        0.13230       0.81763              None   
       revenueGrowth  operatingMargins       ebitda  targetLowPrice  \
    0         -0.002           0.21351   9457999872             118   
    0          0.271           0.17307    727299968              52   
    0          0.138           0.22483  13496500224             115   
    0          0.041           0.35288  28453249024             115   
    0          0.119           0.24881    284437984             275   
      recommendationKey  grossProfits freeCashflow  targetMedianPrice  \
    0              hold   16579000000   4292875008              157.0   
    0              hold    1310900000    351275008               75.0   
    0               buy   25009000000         None              141.0   
    0               buy   38883000000         None              167.5   
    0               buy     843595000         None              357.5   
       currentPrice  earningsGrowth currentRatio returnOnAssets  \
    0        128.49          -0.184        1.579        0.10136   
    0         57.19           0.261        1.718        0.12393   
    0        110.22           0.370         None           None   
    0        153.80           0.261         None           None   
    0        256.66           0.049        7.053         0.1013   
       numberOfAnalystOpinions  targetMeanPrice  debtToEquity returnOnEquity  \
    0                       19           158.36       117.329         0.3888   
    0                        9            72.67        17.690        0.27841   
    0                       20           141.77        53.439           None   
    0                       23           164.73       502.701           None   
    0                        6           354.17         0.894        0.09637   
       targetHighPrice    totalCash    totalDebt  totalRevenue  totalCashPerShare  \
    0            210.0   3359000064  17603999744   35333001216              5.903   
    0             85.0    579400000    320000000    3747599872              3.660   
    0            158.5  10248999936  19250999296   44514000896              5.812   
    0            200.0   9829999616  77596999680   56725000192              5.558   
    0            425.0    758606976     13439000    1031753024             16.656   
      financialCurrency  revenuePerShare quickRatio  recommendationMean exchange  \
    0               USD           61.241      0.893                 3.3      NYQ   
    0               USD           23.601      1.185                 2.6      NYQ   
    0               USD           25.139       None                 1.8      NYQ   
    0               USD           32.034       None                 2.1      NYQ   
    0               USD           22.703      6.133                 2.5      NMS   
                    shortName                 longName exchangeTimezoneName  \
    0              3M Company               3M Company     America/New_York   
    0  A.O. Smith Corporation  A. O. Smith Corporation     America/New_York   
    0     Abbott Laboratories      Abbott Laboratories     America/New_York   
    0             AbbVie Inc.              AbbVie Inc.     America/New_York   
    0           ABIOMED, Inc.            Abiomed, Inc.     America/New_York   
      exchangeTimezoneShortName  isEsgPopulated gmtOffSetMilliseconds  \
    0                       EDT            True             -14400000   
    0                       EDT            True             -14400000   
    0                       EDT            True             -14400000   
    0                       EDT            True             -14400000   
    0                       EDT           False             -14400000   
      underlyingSymbol quoteType symbol underlyingExchangeSymbol headSymbol  \
    0             None    EQUITY    MMM                     None       None   
    0             None    EQUITY    AOS                     None       None   
    0             None    EQUITY    ABT                     None       None   
    0             None    EQUITY   ABBV                     None       None   
    0             None    EQUITY   ABMD                     None       None   
        messageBoardId                                  uuid     market  \
    0     finmb_289194  375388b3-dab7-3763-90cd-457ad19388a2  us_market   
    0     finmb_997111  4cc854cc-0565-35cc-abef-bc91f30d07b0  us_market   
    0     finmb_247483  5f9c82b0-139d-3f8f-b30c-efd7ee9ccdcf  us_market   
    0  finmb_141885706  73238d42-cdcc-3f92-8141-dd675addae10  us_market   
    0     finmb_247589  a393224e-40ae-3cd2-a2c8-12a0912a9351  us_market   
      annualHoldingsTurnover  enterpriseToRevenue beta3Year  enterpriseToEbitda  \
    0                   None                2.728      None              10.191   
    0                   None                2.399      None              12.362   
    0                   None                4.704      None              15.514   
    0                   None                5.775      None              11.513   
    0                   None               11.928      None              43.268   
      52WeekChange morningStarRiskRating  forwardEps revenueQuarterlyGrowth  \
    0         None                  None       10.37                   None   
    0         None                  None        3.47                   None   
    0         None                  None        4.76                   None   
    0         None                  None       13.97                   None   
    0         None                  None        5.01                   None   
       sharesOutstanding fundInceptionDate annualReportExpenseRatio totalAssets  \
    0          576252992              None                     None        None   
    0          133187000              None                     None        None   
    0         1768290048              None                     None        None   
    0         1767879936              None                     None        None   
    0           45497500              None                     None        None   
       bookValue  sharesShort  sharesPercentSharesOut fundFamily  \
    0     25.093      9500369                  0.0167       None   
    0     11.916      4454569                  0.0286       None   
    0     19.466     13461989                  0.0077       None   
    0      7.665     13154753                  0.0074       None   
    0     30.432      1122293                  0.0246       None   
       lastFiscalYearEnd  heldPercentInstitutions  netIncomeToCommon  trailingEps  \
    0         1640908800                  0.67534         5596000256       10.111   
    0         1640908800                  0.97911          509200000        2.890   
    0         1640908800                  0.76305         7696000000        4.030   
    0         1640908800                  0.70272        12405000192        4.196   
    0         1648684800                  0.98808          136504992        3.257   
      lastDividendValue SandP52WeekChange  priceToBook  heldPercentInsiders  \
    0              None              None     5.120552              0.00082   
    0              None              None     4.799429              0.00719   
    0              None              None     5.662180              0.00741   
    0              None              None    20.065231              0.00106   
    0              None              None     8.433886              0.02005   
       nextFiscalYearEnd yield  mostRecentQuarter  shortRatio  \
    0         1703980800  None         1648684800        3.52   
    0         1703980800  None         1648684800        3.35   
    0         1703980800  None         1648684800        2.65   
    0         1703980800  None         1648684800        1.52   
    0         1711843200  None         1648684800        4.10   
       sharesShortPreviousMonthDate  floatShares      beta  enterpriseValue  \
    0                    1648684800    568626364  0.969607      96388669440   
    0                    1648684800    129763766  1.166666       8991120384   
    0                    1648684800   1750132706  0.733823     209379229696   
    0                    1648684800   1763801318  0.784803     327589560320   
    0                    1648684800     44660516  1.325000      12307118080   
       priceHint threeYearAverageReturn lastSplitDate lastSplitFactor legalType  \
    0          2                   None    1064880000             2:1      None   
    0          2                   None    1475712000             2:1      None   
    0          2                   None    1357084800      10000:4798      None   
    0          2                   None          None            None      None   
    0          2                   None     970444800             2:1      None   
      morningStarOverallRating  earningsQuarterlyGrowth  \
    0                     None                   -0.200   
    0                     None                    0.226   
    0                     None                    0.365   
    0                     None                    0.264   
    0                     None                    0.061   
       priceToSalesTrailing12Months  dateShortInterest  pegRatio ytdReturn  \
    0                      2.095569         1651190400      1.93      None   
    0                      2.428881         1651190400      2.08      None   
    0                      4.378419         1651190400      1.92      None   
    0                      4.793300         1651190400      5.16      None   
    0                     11.318007         1651190400     13.51      None   
       forwardPE lastCapGain  shortPercentOfFloat  sharesShortPriorMonth category  \
    0  12.390551        None               0.0167                9678460     None   
    0  16.481268        None               0.0391                5287955     None   
    0  23.155462        None               0.0079               12103872     None   
    0  11.009306        None               0.0075               13443845     None   
    0  51.229538        None               0.0282                1260350     None   
      fiveYearAverageReturn  previousClose  regularMarketOpen  \
    0                  None         129.41             129.41   
    0                  None          54.68              55.00   
    0                  None         108.65             108.21   
    0                  None         153.16             153.08   
    0                  None         247.51             246.42   
       twoHundredDayAverage trailingAnnualDividendYield  payoutRatio volume24Hr  \
    0             161.68895                    0.045669       0.6171       None   
    0              69.35795                     0.01902       0.3396       None   
    0             121.92410                    0.016567       0.4223       None   
    0             136.87920                    0.033951       0.7618       None   
    0             307.36900                        None       0.0000       None   
       regularMarketDayHigh navPrice  averageDailyVolume10Day  \
    0               129.830     None                  3438870   
    0                57.455     None                  1193330   
    0               110.470     None                  6229710   
    0               153.860     None                  7106760   
    0               256.740     None                   343420   
       regularMarketPreviousClose  fiftyDayAverage trailingAnnualDividendRate  \
    0                      129.41         143.0196                       5.91   
    0                       54.68          58.7068                       1.04   
    0                      108.65         111.8648                        1.8   
    0                      153.16         149.8344                        5.2   
    0                      247.51         257.8366                       None   
         open  averageVolume10days expireDate algorithm dividendRate  \
    0  129.41              3438870       None      None         5.96   
    0   55.00              1193330       None      None         1.12   
    0  108.21              6229710       None      None         1.88   
    0  153.08              7106760       None      None         5.64   
    0  246.42               343420       None      None         None   
      exDividendDate circulatingSupply startDate  regularMarketDayLow currency  \
    0     1652918400              None      None             126.6100      USD   
    0     1651104000              None      None              55.1700      USD   
    0     1649808000              None      None             107.6500      USD   
    0     1649894400              None      None             151.4590      USD   
    0           None              None      None             247.3035      USD   
       trailingPE  regularMarketVolume lastMarket maxSupply openInterest  \
    0   12.707942              3720829       None      None         None   
    0   19.788927              1231198       None      None         None   
    0   27.349874              3291666       None      None         None   
    0   36.653957              4619958       None      None         None   
    0   78.802580               201938       None      None         None   
          marketCap volumeAllCurrencies strikePrice  averageVolume    dayLow  \
    0   74042753024                None        None        2938364  126.6100   
    0    9102474240                None        None        1096637   55.1700   
    0  194900934656                None        None        5486408  107.6500   
    0  271899934720                None        None        7314664  151.4590   
    0   11677388800                None        None         319779  247.3035   
          ask  askSize   volume  fiftyTwoWeekHigh fromCurrency  \
    0  129.48      900  3720829            203.21         None   
    0   71.04     1100  1231198             86.74         None   
    0  109.00     1300  3291666            142.60         None   
    0    0.00     1400  4619958            175.91         None   
    0    0.00      800   201938            379.30         None   
      fiveYearAvgDividendYield  fiftyTwoWeekLow    bid  tradeable dividendYield  \
    0                     3.05           126.61  128.1      False        0.0399   
    0                     1.54            51.91    0.0      False        0.0187   
    0                     1.57           101.24  108.0      False        0.0171   
    0                     4.27           105.56    0.0      False        0.0367   
    0                     None           219.85    0.0      False          None   
       bidSize  dayHigh  regularMarketPrice preMarketPrice  \
    0      900  129.830              128.49         128.61   
    0     1000   57.455               57.19           None   
    0      900  110.470              110.22         108.92   
    0      800  153.860              153.80         153.34   
    0      800  256.740              256.66           None   
                                    logo_url                 address2  \
    0                      NaN   
    0  Suite 170 PO Box 245008   
    0              Abbott Park   
    0                      NaN   
    0                      NaN   
    0           NaN  
    0           NaN  
    0           NaN  
    0           NaN  
    0  978 777 8411  

    and the columns are


    It doesn't matter waht you do, it will take time to retrieve that data unless you choose a reduced number of them.