Good Day,
I'm trying to convert an IFC file using the "Revit engine".
I've tried conversionMethods "modern" and "v3".
SVF2 Output > Formats > advanced
But the "Navisworks engine" is always used.
Here is the Request Header:
Content-Type: application/json
x-ads-derivative-format: fallback
x-ads-force: true
Authorization: Bearer ...
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.0
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 60ace5f6-a41c-4314-b3de-e2057f4f8795
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 521
Cookie: PF=zlUuSLBAdPBYRrnJUXxwq1
Here is the Request Body:
"input": {
"urn": "dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6bmVhbmV4LXN0YWdpbmcxLTE2MTk2MTgyOTM4MjMvMTY1NTIxOTY2OTY5MS1BQzIwLUZaSy1IYXVzLmlmYw"
"output": {
"destination": {
"region": "us"
"formats": [
"type": "svf2",
"views": [
"advanced": {
"conversionMethod": "v3"
The Response:
"result": "success",
"urn": "dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6bmVhbmV4LXN0YWdpbmcxLTE2MTk2MTgyOTM4MjMvMTY1NTIxOTY2OTY5MS1BQzIwLUZaSy1IYXVzLmlmYw",
"acceptedJobs": {
"output": {
"destination": {
"region": "us"
"formats": [
"type": "svf2",
"views": [
"advanced": {
"conversionMethod": "v3"
And here is a snippet from the Manifest:
"name": "........ifc",
"progress": "complete",
"outputType": "svf2",
"properties": {
"Document Information": {
"Navisworks File Creator": "LcNwcLoaderPlugin:lcldifc",
"IFC Application Name": "ARCHICAD-64",
"IFC Application Version": "20.0.0",
"IFC Organization": "GRAPHISOFT",
"IFC Schema": "IFC4",
"IFC Loader": "3"
"status": "success"
Any ideas?
Everything works as designed, but the documentation is not clear on this issue.
The documentation says that the Revit IFC Loader is used for modern and V3:
Also, this blog post mentions that Revit will be used instead of Navisworks:
So you would expect that the external IDs in the properties to be Revit element IDs or uniqueIDs when using modern or V3.
But all IFC conversion methods are running on the Cloud version of Navisworks on Forge env.
Both modern and v3 IFC conversion methods or loaders are based on the Revit technics integrated with Navisworks, so they are called Revit-based IFC loaders.
You can see a similar thing on Navisworks Desktop.
You can check which conversion method was used in the Manifest (> "IFC Loader": "3"