I'm having troubles when trying to edit a property inside an object. I'm using PokeApi to fetch Pokémon and then, with a button, add them into a cart.
export interface PokemonModel {
name: string;
url: string;
quantity: number;
isAdded: boolean;
export const addToCart = createAction(
'[Cart List] Add To cart',
props<{ pokemon: PokemonModel }>()
on(addToCart, (state, { pokemon }) => {
pokemon.isAdded = true; // <-- Cannot add property isAdded, object is not extensible
return {
loading: false,
error: false,
pokemons: [
...state.pokemons.filter((pk) => pk.name !== pokemon.name),
addPokemon(pokemon: any) {
this.store.dispatch(addToCart({ pokemon }));
The thing is, I need to edit the value for isAdded
I have tried with Object.preventExtensions(pokemon)
no matter if I add above or below the property, the result is the same.
Small reminder: Because reducers are pure functions
you can't mutate
the state
manually, you need to create a copy and edit the copy (this is all functional programming princicples
Create a copy of Pokémon:
let pokemonCopy = {...pokemon, isAdded: true}
And for the spread operator, you're combining both computed property
in objects and spread operator
at the same time, which I don't think it's gonna work for you.
You need to simply append it to the new state
return {
loading: false,
error: false,
pokemons: [
...state.pokemons.filter((pk) => pk.name !== pokemon.name),
and if the order matter to you, I'd recommend
return {
loading: false,
error: false,
pokemons: [
...state.pokemons.map((pk) => pk.name == pokemon.name ? pokemonCopy : pk),