I have a grafana dashboard where I want to use an orcestra cities map dashboard to show status of some stations. The status is available as json from a http server (using nagios for this part) but the status has no idea of the location of the stations. This I have in a postGIS database.
I know I can set up a script that reads the status json and inserts the data into a table in the postgis database. This can run each five minutes or something. This feels a bit kludgy, so I wonder if there are some other ways of doing this.
Could it be possible to use a foreign data wrapper to fetch the json into postgis? The only json fdw I have found is to read a set of files, I would need to read from a http server.
If not, is it possible to combine data from json and postgres in one data set in grafana? I can read in data from both sources and present them e.g. as time series in one panel, but here I need to be able to join the two so that I use some of the attributes from json to categorize the points from postgis (or the other way around if that should be easier)
In theory you can do that in the Grafana. You need to have 2 queries with results from both sources (how to write query, configure datasources for that is not in the scope of this question) + you need a key, which can be used for a join in both results (e.g. city_id
Then you may use join transformation to "join" both query results into single dataset.