I would like pyttsx3 to only listen when a click some sort of button or speak some sort of hotword otherwise it should stay quiet and keep waiting for my command.
My code runs in a loop like shown below:
if __name__ == "__main__": # main program
while True:
# if 1:
query = takecommand().lower()
# logic building for tasks
if "open notepad" in query:
npath = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\notepad.exe"
elif 'hi' in query or 'hello' in query:
speak('Hello sir, how may I help you?')
and so on...
How About this:
Wake = "Hey Robot" #here you can use whatever word you want
while True:
text = get_audio().lower()# this takes the audio. Change this for the name of your audio function
if text.count(Wake) > 0:
speak("I am On.")
text = get_audio().lower()#This make it say I am on when it is activated. And then start listening
#Erase the .lower() if your talk function has it implemented
hi_words = ["hello", "hi",]
for phrase in hi_words:
if phrase in text:
speak("Hello sir, how may I help you")
This will make the program activate when you say the wake word. Then it will wait for a command, Afterwards it will go to sleep and wait till you say the wake word again