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Can I change the colour of a FontAwesome logo (i.e. twitter/ORCiD/phone) using a RGB or HEX Code?

I'm using the CurVe CV template in Overleaf.

I've changed the colour scheme to purple (from default of green).

In the header, I want to include my email, twitter, phone and ORCiD details, using Font Awesome.

All those logos have been changed to purple, but I want to be able to choose the colour of each logo independently, using HEX or RGB codes, rather than words like green or blue


\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex




  {\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily xxx
  \vspace{5} \\
  \makefield{\faEnvelope[regular]}{\texttt{[email protected]}}

The code I want to change is this last section to allow me to define the colour of each logo by HEX or RGB rather than the "green" or "blue":

\makefield{\color{HEX or RGB}\faTwitter}{\texttt{@xxx}}


  • You can define your own colours in hex, rgb etc.


    and then use these colours for your icons.

    Some other comments:

    • you mustn't use \else ... \fi without an if statement before it

    • your \leftheader{ lacks a closing }

    % !TeX TS-program = lualatex
    %\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
    %  \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
    %  \usepackage[p,osf,swashQ]{cochineal}
    %  \usepackage{cabin}
    %  \usepackage[varqu,varl,scale=0.9]{zi4}
      {\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily xxx
      \vspace{5pt} \\
      \makefield{\faEnvelope[regular]}{\texttt{[email protected]}}
    \title{Curriculum Vitae}

    enter image description here