Goal: I'm trying to link to an image I have located in my images folder from a markdown post:
This is supposed to be a [link](../images/image.png) to my image.
When clicking the link, I'm expecting it to lead to a page containing the image only.
I'm trying to use a relative path as this is also how I would give the path if I was actually displaying the image (
However, gatsbyjs does not seem to recognise the relative path as image source and tries to go to the page domain/images/image.png
, which is not the url gatsbyjs reserves for the image (it will be a randomly generated one).
Question: Is there an easy way of linking to my image?
the above will create an images folder in your /public
You can then source this in your markdown each time as [link](/images/imageFile.extension)
. This is a little bit of a 'hands on' approach and would require manually loading in your images to static.
Place this inside your gatsby-node
import path from 'path';
import fsExtra from 'fs-extra';
export const onCreateNode = async ({
node, actions
}) => {
const sourceNorm = path.normalize(`${__dirname}/src/images`);
const destination = `/images`;
if (node.internal.type === 'File') {
const dir = path.normalize(node.dir);
if (dir.includes(sourceNorm)) {
const relativeToDestination = dir.replace(sourceNorm, '');
const newPath = path.join(
fsExtra.copy(node.absolutePath, newPath, err => {
if (err) {
console.log('Error copying file: ', err)
The above will take all of your images that are specified in /src/images
and create nodes for them in the public
folder during build/develop to the destination at /images/
You should then be able to link to your images with /images/image.extension