I want to write an SQL migration to split a "name" column to a "first_name" and a "last_name" column in a "users" table, I have already created the 2 columns.
I am looking for a command that looks like
UPDATE users
SET (first_name, last_name)
VALUES ({expression for first name}, {expression for last name});
I am accepting the assumption that the frontier between the 2 parts is the first whitespace character. (i.e. for John Doe Jr, the last name should be 'Doe Jr')
I have tried to use regexp_match(name, [^\s]*)
for the first name but for name="John Doe"
it returns first_name="{John}"
, how could I fix this, or is there a better way than using regexp_match
UPDATE users SET first_name = (regexp_split_to_array(name, E'\s+'))[1], last_name = (regexp_split_to_array(name, E'\s+'))[2]
for names where 2 and more last names
update users set firstname = (regexp_split_to_array(name, E'\\s+'))[1],
lastname = array_to_string((regexp_split_to_array(name, E'\\s+'))[2:], ' ')