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Chrome Bug!? - infinite scrolling above page body (several Pages)

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I recognized this Bug on several Pages occurring in Chromium related browsers. I opened up a Chromium Issue, where the project members could not reproduce the problem - I am trying to figure out why this is happening (since the Problem occurs on Pages as like,, and so on, on several Mac-OS devices, which have nothing else in common) - we tried it on a clean Chrome installation, where The Problem is also occurring. To me it seems to be a bug - now I'd like to know if other people are also not able to reproduce. If you can reproduce (to reproduce read the following lines below) and/or find something new/interesting about the problem consider supporting the Ticket/Chromium Issue.

Chrome Version

91.0.4472.101 (Offizieller Build) (x86_64)

URLs tested

Other browsers tested

  • Safari: hasn't the problem
  • Firefox: hasn't the problem
  • Edge: has the same issue (also Chromium based)
  • Chrome Canary: has the same issue (also Chromium based)

How to reproduce the problem?

Refresh Page (Command+Shift+R) and Scroll upwards while page is loading or in parallel (you have to be quick to reproduce).

What is the expected result?

Expectedly the Page should not over-scroll and stop at the pages top/end instead the page can be scrolled infinite above the pages top, same issue appears by scrolling down, where scrolling should stop at the bottom of the page.

What happens instead?

Browser keeps scrolling above the pages top/bottom infinitively. Once triggered the infinite scrolling wont disappear, even after refreshing the page - the only way to change the behavior is to copy the url and paste it within a new tab.


  • Small update: it seems like the problem appears when using a logitech mx master mouse (if you run into the problem when not using this specific model, let the chrome people know) - it looks like it can be solved by following steps:

    1. Open a terminal window.
    2. Type in the following command then hit enter: defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -bool false


    Hopefully they'll fix the problem in chrome itself, until then this should solve the problem.