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derived class as a parameter of templated function which is specialized for its base class

class Base {};

class Derived : public Base {};

class SomeClass
    template<typename T>
    static void SetContent(T* pChild, OVariant content)
        LOG_ASSERT(0, "All classes must be specialized!.  Please provide implementation for this class.");

template <>
void SomeClass::SetContent(Base* value) 

int main() {
    SomeClass foo;
    Derived derived;
    foo.SetContent(&derived);//want it to call SomeClass::SetContent(Base* value) 
    return 0;

When I call foo.SetContent(derived), I get the Assert. Is it not possible for the derived class to use the specialization for it's base class?


  • You can convert a Derived* to a Base*, but I think you rather want to specialize for all T that have Base as base

    #include <type_traits>
    #include <iostream>
    class Base {};
    class Derived : public Base {};
    template <typename T,typename = void>
    struct impl {
        void operator()(T*) {
            std::cout <<"All classes must be specialized!.  Please provide implementation for this class.\n";
    template <typename T>
    struct impl<T,std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Base,T>>> {
        void operator()(T*) {
            std::cout << "Yay\n";
    class SomeClass
        template<typename T>
        static void SetContent(T* pChild)
    struct bar{};
    int main() {
        SomeClass foo;
        Derived derived;
        bar b;


    All classes must be specialized!.  Please provide implementation for this class.

    //want it to call SomeClass::SetContent(Base* value)

    Note that if the template argument is deduced, it will be deduced as Derived not as Base and the argument is Derived*. SomeClass::SetContent<Base>(&derived); would already work as expected with your code (because Derived* can be converted to Base*).