I got a PyQt5 GUI with a spinbox and a button. I already wrote a statement that writes the number, thats in the spinbox in the database, when I click my button. Sadly it substitutes my old value. In my database I got a value named "hours". Let's say the value right now is 12. And if I click my button now it should add my number from the spinbox I typed in the GUI to the 12.
def test():
conn = None
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=ueberstunden user=postgres password=admin")
value = self.box_test.value()
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("UPDATE ueberstunden SET stunden = %s WHERE name ='test'", value)
except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
if conn is not None:
You can use expressions on the right side of an assignment. Here, you'd want to assign studen
with the current value, i.e., studen
plus the new value:
cur.execute("UPDATE ueberstunden SET stunden = studen + %s WHERE name ='test'", value)
# Here ----------------------------------------^