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How to create autoincrement integer field in TypeORM migration?

I design a table and want an integer autoincrement column for an ID. For sure, I read the docs about isGenerated param for migrations.

Now, my code looks like this:

public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {

        await queryRunner.createTable(
            new Table({
                name: tableName,

                columns: [
                        name: "id",
                        type: "int",
                        isGenerated: true,
                        isPrimary: true,
                        name: "seller_id",
                        type: "int"

But as a result, I got: WorkBench

As you can see, id is not flagged as AI. What I'm doing wrong?


  • {
        name: "id",
        type: "int",
        isPrimary: true,
        isGenerated: true,
        generationStrategy: "increment"

    available options:

    generationStrategy?: "uuid" | "increment" | "rowid" | "identity";