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filtering dictionary items

I have a question regarding inverse filtering in dictionary. I have a dictionary as:

dico = {


What I want is to extract all the student which attempt each exam, and have output as set or list such as:

'Math': [pierre,Giovanie], 'Physics': [Jean, Giovanie]
exam_set = [{k:v for (k, v) in i.items()}
                for i in dico if i.get(v) != 0]

But is doesn't work and I don't know how to how to fix that.


  • i commented everything play with the code so you can get better at python

    students = { # students
    data = {} # create data dict
    for student in students: # loop to every student
        for exam in students[student]: # loop in the student exams
            if exam in data: # check if exam list exist
                data[exam].append(student) # append to the exam list
            else: # else create an exam list
                data[exam] = [student] # create and add the student to the exam list
    print(data) # let see the result