I am using TypeORM which is connected to a local postgis instance running from this image
This is my entity file (Geometry
comes from this package):
export class Port {
@Column({ type: 'geometry' })
geometry: Geometry;
Here I can see that TypeORM succeeded in creating the database.
However when I try to insert any port, TypeORM throws:
QueryFailedError: unknown GeoJSON type
Data I am trying to insert is in WKT format. For example
"POINT(18.5478833 54.5353333)"
What am I doing wrong?
Ok so what I ended up using is:
type: 'geometry',
srid: 4326,
geometry: string;
public async create(version: CreateTDTO): Promise<T> {
return this.baseZoneVersionRpository
...(version as any),
geometry: () => `ST_GeomFromText('${version.geometry}', 4326)`,
.execute() as any;
Note that this one expects input data in a WKT format.
Unfortunately I didn't find a way to get rid of any
Change format coming from database
I am not sure why but my PostGIS
database returns data in GeoJSON
format by default and I haven't been able to change it through the TypeORM
. There is a way however to transform entities using TypeORM
's transformer
type: 'geometry',
srid: 4326,
transformer: {
to: (something) => something,
from: transformFromGeoJSONToYourFormat,
geometry: string;
Library I found particularly helpfull for changing geometry formats was https://www.npmjs.com/package/wkx