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How is Prolog `shift`/`reset` like other languages?

I found an example of shift-reset delimited continuations in Haskell here:

resetT $ do
    x <- shiftT $ \esc -> do
       lift $ esc 1
       lift $ esc 2
       return 0
    zulu x

This will:

  1. Perform alfa

  2. Perform bravo

  3. Perform charlie

  4. Bind x to 1, and thus perform zulu 1

  5. Fall off the end of resetT, and jump back to just after esc 1

  6. Perform delta

  7. Bind x to 2, and thus perform zulu 2

  8. Fall off the end of resetT, and jump back to just after esc 2

  9. Escape from the resetT, causing it to yield 0

I can't figure out how to write the equivalent code using SWI-Prolog's shift/1 and reset/3.

The code below is my attempt. The output is the same, but it seems messy and backwards, and I feel like I'm misusing Ball to get something similar to the esc 1 and esc 2 in the Haskell example. Also, I am not sure what to do with return 0.

% not sure about this...
example :-
  reset(step, ball(X), Cont),
  ( writeln("charlie"), X=1, call(Cont), fail
  ; writeln("delta"), X=2, call(Cont)).

step :-
  format("zulu ~w~n", X).

I'm rather confused: Scheme/Haskell/ML-style shift-reset and Prolog shift-reset seem almost like entirely different things! For example, you pass a lambda into Haskell's shiftT but you do not pass a goal into Prolog's shift/1.

Where is the Prolog equivalent of Haskell's \esc -> ... esc 1 or return 0? And where is the Haskell equivalent of Prolog's Ball or call(Cont)?

I feel that a "proper" port of the Haskell example above would answer these questions.


    1. The reset and shift operators originally come from Danvy; Filinski,1990. “Abstracting Control”. The corresponding interfaces in Haskell Control.Monad.Trans.Cont conform to the original semantics, except for some type restrictions. The delimited continuation interfaces in SWI-Prolog are not exactly the original reset and shift. They are more closely related to Felleisen,1988's prompt and control or Sitaram’s fcontrol and run operators.

    2. Usually, it is not difficult to translate delimited continuation programs from Haskell to Prolog. The difficulty in your example is that it calls the same continuation esc twice with different values. For example,

      example :-
        reset(step, ball(X), Cont),
        X=1, call(Cont),
        X=2, call(Cont).

      After the first call(Cont), X is already bound to 1, you cannot rebind it to 2.

      TomSchrijvers' advice is to create copies of the continuation with fresh unification variables using copy_term/2 (yes, continuations are also terms in SWI-Prolog!), so the Prolog equivalent of your example is

      example(X) :-
        reset(step, Ball, Cont),
        copy_term(Cont+Ball, Cont1+Ball1),
        copy_term(Cont+Ball, Cont2+Ball2),
        ball(X1) = Ball1,
        X1=1, reset(Cont1, _, _),
        ball(X2) = Ball2,
        X2=2, reset(Cont2, _, _),
      step :-
        format("zulu ~w~n", X),
      ?- example(X).
      zulu 1
      zulu 2
      X = 0.

    More detail discussion, see