I created this function for decoding locally saved data.
private func getLocalCertificates(_ data: [CovidCertificateEntity]) -> [CovidCertificateDomainItem]? {
var newCertificates: [CovidCertificateDomainItem]?
data.map { result -> AnyPublisher<Result<EUDCC, ErrorType>, Never> in
self.certificateToDelete = result.qrCodeValue ?? ""
return repository.getCertificateDetails(result.qrCodeValue ?? "")
.map { result -> CovidCertificateDomainItem? in
switch result {
case .success(let eudcc):
do {
return try CovidCertificateDomainItem(eudcc: eudcc, qrCode: self.certificateToDelete)
catch {
return nil
return nil
.compactMap { $0 }
.sink { result in
newCertificates = result.reversed()
.store(in: &cancellables)
return newCertificates
I wanted to achieve that value result from data.map inside MergeMany operator is proceeded to .map operator, so I can use it in constructor of CovidCertificateDomainItem
I tried to made this with help variable certificateToDelete, but it always have last value from data.map.
Is there any way to achieve this?
Pass a tuple. Instead of returning
repository.getCertificateDetails(result.qrCodeValue ?? "")
return a tuple:
(result, repository.getCertificateDetails(result.qrCodeValue ?? ""))
You will have many other adjustments to make in order to achieve that, but when you do, you'll be able to receive that tuple in map
and thus have all the data you need.