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Web Drop-in integration "advanced use case" redirect result

I'm trying to understand if it's possible to retrieve the redirectResult when the user is redirected to our redirectUrl to invoke the /payment/details API endpoint to speed up delivering virtual goods instead of waiting for the web hook (I'm aware it will not work for "async" payment methods).

Looking at it should be possible, however, the returnUrl in CreateCheckoutSessionResponse returned from com.adyen.service.Checkout#sessions (adyen-java-api-library 17.2.0 - checkout api version v68) does not contain the aforementioned redirectResult param so the configuration we pass into the drop-in template is missing this data and does not seem to be available in the onPaymentCompleted callback either (only resultCode and sessionData).

public RedirectResponse handleRedirectToPartner(PaymentContext paymentContext) throws PartnerIntegrationException {
    final Payment payment = paymentContext.getPayment();

    final Amount amount = new Amount();
    amount.setValue((long) payment.getPriceInCents());

    final CreateCheckoutSessionRequest checkoutSessionRequest = new CreateCheckoutSessionRequest();

    try {
        CreateCheckoutSessionResponse checkoutSessionResponse = checkout().sessions(checkoutSessionRequest);
        JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
        params.put("environment", testMode ? "test" : "live");
        params.put("clientKey", adyenClientKey);
        JSONObject session = new JSONObject();
        session.put("id", checkoutSessionResponse.getId());
        session.put("sessionData", checkoutSessionResponse.getSessionData());
        params.put("session", session);
        params.put("urlKo", getFailureUrl());
        params.put("urlOk", checkoutSessionResponse.getReturnUrl());
        params.put("urlPending", getUrlPending(checkoutSessionResponse.getReturnUrl()));

        return new RedirectResponse(RedirectResponse.Type.REDIRECT_CUSTOM_HTML_ADYEN, null, params);
    } catch (ApiException | IOException e) {
        throw new PartnerIntegrationException("Failed creating Adyen session", e);

protected Checkout checkout() {
    return new Checkout(new Client(adyenApiKey, testMode ? Environment.TEST : Environment.LIVE,
            testMode ? null : liveEndpointUrlPrefix));

(async () => {
    let configuration = ${partnerJsonParameters?string};
    configuration.onPaymentCompleted = function(result, component) {;
        if (result.sessionData) {
        if (result.resultCode) {
        handleServerResponse(result, configuration);
    configuration.onError = function(error, component) {
        console.error(error, component);
        handleServerResponse(result, configuration);
    let checkout = await AdyenCheckout(configuration);


  • The sessions request does not perform the payment, but only initiates the payment session with all required parameters and configuration.

    The Web drop-in takes care of 'talking' to the Adyen backend and eventually, the payment outcome can be obtained in the frontend using the onPaymentCompleted handler.

      onPaymentCompleted: (result, component) => {
  "onPaymentCompleted: " + result.resultCode);

    See Use the result code

    On the server-side it is possible to get the payment result with a /payments/details call in addition to /sessions if needed.

     // get redirectResult appended to the returnUrl 
     String redirectResult = request.getParameter("redirectResult");
     var paymentDetails = new PaymentsDetailsRequest();
     paymentDetails.setDetails(Collections.singletonMap("redirectResult", redirectResult));
     // use paymentDetails() method
     var paymentsDetailsResponse = checkout.paymentsDetails(paymentDetails);
     String resultCode = paymentsDetailsResponse.getResultCode();

    Note that a synchronous result is not always available, hence relying on the webhook is best.