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Bug in Firebase CLI v11.2.0 - error cleaning up build images

I just updated the Firebase CLI to the new 11.2.0 version.

When I tried to update a cloud function via firebase deploy --only functions:func1 the following error happens:

Unhandled error cleaning up build images. This could result in a small monthly bill if not corrected. You can attempt to delete these images by redeploying or you can delete them manually at

And the function is not updated.

In the official releases page, there is this new change:

Cloud Functions deployment now stores container images on Google Cloud Artifact Registry instead of Container Registry

So I think this bug might be related to the new way firebase stores functions. What should I do to deploy cloud functions again?



    Since firebase-tools v11.2.1 the deployment tool automatically enables the Artifact Registry API.


    Click here or follow the link shown in the terminal to enable the artifact registry API. Now the deployment process works properly.

    Edit: If you just enabled the Artifact Registry API and the deployment still fails, try running firebase deploy functions to create all functions in the new environment. It failed when I tried to update a single function. After that, you shouldn't get any more errors regardless of the deployment type.