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Laravel Blueprint complex unique

Let's say I have this following table which has an enum field and a foreign to some target table:

id genre enum('a','b','c') is_primary target_id
1 a false 1
2 b true 1
3 c false 1
4 c false 1

Now I want to do some rules like following in my migration:

  1. genre a with same target_id must be only one record
  2. genre b with same target_id also must be only one record
  3. the same target_ids must have only one record with is_primary:true
  4. genre c can repeat in multiple records with same target_id

Is there any convenient way to do such thing with laravel Blueprint?

My migration:

$table->enum('type', ['RECHARGE', 'CONVERT', 'FREEZE']);

I want my datum having only one FREEZE and one RECHARGE record per each target, but the CONVERT type can be multiple. and also I need only one of these records to be is_primary:true per each target.


  • Let's start with:

    1. the same target_ids must have only one record with is_primary:true

    You could achieve this by having a multi-column unique index for target_id and is_primary and setting is_primary = NULL for those rows where uniqueness is not required (i.e. those that are false in your example).

    $table->unique(['is_primary', 'target_id']);

    The other constellation

    1. genre a with same target_id must be only one record
    2. genre b with same target_id also must be only one record
    3. genre c can repeat in multiple records with same target_id

    would require a partial index, which is supported by some (e.g. Postgres), but not all DBMS (e.g. not MySQL).
