Search code examples

show list of records chosen by a category in a category tree on a separate page

TYPO3 11.5.12, events2 8.0.1

I get the used categories of a calendar ( in a category tree with the following fluid

    <f:for each="{selectorData.categories.main}" as="category" iteration="catIterator">
            <a href="{ '{}', additionalParams: '{tx_events2_searchresults: {search: {mainCategory: \'{category.uid}\'}, controller: \'Search\', action: \'listSearchResults\'}}')}">{category.title}</a>

After clicking on a category I want to show all records that are related to this category on a separate page ( Right now, the URL changes to and the list of the events is the same. What plugin has to be inserted on the page filter and what do I have to do that the chosen category for the selection of the records is used on the page filter?


  • It's difficult in TYPO3 (or in general) to combine data from several tables in the URL.
    Therefore the most simple and reliable approach is to create for each category a distinct page, there you can likely limit the output from events2 to the one category only (Sorry, I never used events2,so I never know for 100%).