TYPO3 11.5.12, events2 8.0.1
I get the used categories of a calendar (https://www.my-domain.de/lehre/kalender
) in a category tree with the following fluid
<f:for each="{selectorData.categories.main}" as="category" iteration="catIterator">
<a href="{f:uri.page(pageUid: '{data.pid}', additionalParams: '{tx_events2_searchresults: {search: {mainCategory: \'{category.uid}\'}, controller: \'Search\', action: \'listSearchResults\'}}')}">{category.title}</a>
After clicking on a category I want to show all records that are related to this category on a separate page (https://www.my-domain.de/lehre/kalender/filter
). Right now, the URL changes to https://www.my-domain.de/lehre/kalender/name-of-the-category
and the list of the events is the same. What plugin has to be inserted on the page filter
and what do I have to do that the chosen category for the selection of the records is used on the page filter
It's difficult in TYPO3 (or in general) to combine data from several tables in the URL.
Therefore the most simple and reliable approach is to create for each category a distinct page, there you can likely limit the output from events2 to the one category only (Sorry, I never used events2,so I never know for 100%).