I created an Azure Function App by Bicep and tried to get the signalr_extension
's value to use in the "upstream" configuration section of a serverless Azure SignalR Service. This is how I try to obtain this value in Bicep:
var signalRKey = listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites/host', funcAppName, 'default'), '2022-03-01').systemkeys.signalr_extension
This is how I configure the signalR service's upstream:
urlTemplate: 'https://${funcAppName}.azurewebsites.net/runtime/webhooks/signalr?code=${signalRKey}'
Running the bicep templates leads to the failure below:
Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime.
When I remove the {signalRKey}
from urlTemplate
and replace it with a fictitious hard-coded value, the signalR is provisioned successfully.
The other thing that I noticed was that the singalr_extension
key value was not populated after the function app was provisioned.
What am I missing in this exercise?
This feature is not available and feasible in App Service Plans. The signalr_extension
must be populated manually after deploying the function app and signalR.