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Typescript support in CSF3

I'm writing Stories using CSF3, and I want to properly annotate my stories. I've Googled and it's basically impossible to find an answer. I've tried some of the techniques here and nothing quite worked. I found something in the storybook website about Meta and ComponentMeta or ComponentStory or something, but I can't find it anymore.

So hopefully someone here can point me to an "easy" actionable answer.

For reference, here's some simple stories where I've tried annotations that don't work.

export default { component: DataPresentation } as Meta;

// The simplest version of DataPresentation can simply take DataTable's props plus a tableId
const Default: ComponentStory<typeof DataPresentation> = {
  args: {
    tableId: "players"

const NoFiltering: ComponentStory<typeof DataPresentation> = {
  storyName: 'No search/filter args',
  • Default has an error on args which appears to relate to the component props (and might be a "valid" TS error by which I mean a problem with my type relationships and not a storybook quirk)
  • There's an error on NoFiltering itself (as opposed to on its args), which I imagine means I'm simply using the wrong type, and that I don't know what I'm doing, which is the point of asking this question.

Type '{ decorators?: DecoratorFunction<ReactFramework, Args>[] | undefined; parameters?: Parameters | undefined; args?: Partial<Props> | undefined; ... 6 more ...; story?: Omit<...> | undefined; }' provides no match for the signature '(args: Props, context: StoryContext<ReactFramework, Props>): StoryFnReactReturnType'.


  • There is no documentation describing how to use CSF3 and especially how to use it with TypeScript.

    After some investigation of their source code (storybook version 6.5.9), I discovered that they have ComponentStoryObj type declared for CSF3 format

    Storybook source code with multiple story type definitions

    So, to make your code sample work, you need to replace the ComponentStory type with the ComponentStoryObj type

    const Default: ComponentStoryObj<typeof DataPresentation> = {
      // ...
    const NoFiltering: ComponentStoryObj<typeof DataPresentation> = {
      // ...

    Here is one of the examples I found in their repo - example