I'm using tree view for my application and I'm getting the id of each when checkbox selected as how it is here:
<blocks-tree class="border-bottom" :data="treeData" :horizontal="treeOrientation==='0'"
<template #node="{data}">
<input type="checkbox"
:checked="selected.indexOf(data.some_id)> -1"
<button class="btn" @click="editState(selected)">
ایجاد ساختمان
Selected: {{selected}}
the toggle select is like:
const toggleSelect = (node, isSelected) => {
isSelected ? selected.value.push(node.some_id) : selected.value.splice(selected.value.indexOf(node.some_id), 1);
if(node.children && node.children.length) {
now I want to get the id of the selected node with @click and pass it as params to another route. can anyone help me with it please?
editState(id) {
this.$router.push({name: 'RealStateForm', params: {id: id}})
actually, it relates to Vue-router and in Vue 2 I did like this: I have a route with these params:
path: "/natural-users/:userId?/:committeeId?",
components: {
main: Registration,
top: Top,
right: Right
beforeEnter: (to, _from, next) => {
if (!ability.isSelfUser(to.params.userId)) next("/");
props: { main: true }
and when I want to redirect to this route I do like this:
I hope this helps you.