I am trying to get the list of data from API through Dio but it is throwing an error as "type 'List' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>'".I am trying to figure out is there anything wrong with the code, can someone help me, I would also like to know how to pass the list to DataRow in view.
Dio Client
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:pretty_dio_logger/pretty_dio_logger.dart';
class Client {
Dio init({String baseUrl = 'http:some url here'}) {
Dio dio = Dio();
requestHeader: true,
requestBody: true,
responseBody: true,
responseHeader: false,
error: true,
compact: true,
maxWidth: 180,
dio.options = BaseOptions(
followRedirects: false,
baseUrl: baseUrl,
validateStatus: (status) {
if (status != null) {
return status < 500;
} else {
return false;
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: {
// "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
// HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: "application/json",
return dio;
class ApiResponse<T> {
ApiResponseStatus status;
T? data;
String? message;
ApiResponse.idle() : status = ApiResponseStatus.idle;
ApiResponse.loading(this.message) : status = ApiResponseStatus.loading;
ApiResponse.completed(this.data) : status = ApiResponseStatus.completed;
: status = ApiResponseStatus.unProcessable;
ApiResponse.error(this.message) : status = ApiResponseStatus.error;
String toString() {
return "ApiResponseStatus : $status \n Message : $message \n Data : $data";
enum ApiResponseStatus { idle, loading, completed, unProcessable, error }
Model class
import 'dart:convert';
List<MyAttendanceModel> myAttendanceModelFromJson(String str) =>
json.decode(str).map((x) => MyAttendanceModel.fromJson(x)));
String myAttendanceModelToJson(List<MyAttendanceModel> data) =>
json.encode(List<dynamic>.from(data.map((x) => x.toJson())));
class MyAttendanceModel {
int? xsl;
DateTime? ztime;
String? memberid;
String? xattendancetime;
String? xeventName;
String? xreaderName;
String? xattendancedate;
factory MyAttendanceModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>
xsl: json["xsl"],
ztime: DateTime.parse(json["ztime"]),
memberid: json["memberid"],
xattendancetime: json["xattendancetime"],
xeventName: json["xeventName"],
xreaderName: json["xreaderName"],
xattendancedate: json["xattendancedate"],
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
"xsl": xsl,
"ztime": ztime?.toIso8601String(),
"memberid": memberid,
"xattendancetime": xattendancetime,
"xeventName": xeventName,
"xreaderName": xreaderName,
"xattendancedate": xattendancedate,
class MyAttendanceRepo {
final Dio _dio = Client().init();
final SecureStorage secureStorage = SecureStorage();
final MyAttendanceModel myAttendanceModel = MyAttendanceModel();
Future<ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>> myAttendance() async {
// List<ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>> myAttendancelist;
try {
var response = await _dio.getUri(
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>.completed(
MyAttendanceModel.fromJson(response.data) // (response.data[0]),
} else {
return ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>.error(
} on DioError catch (d) {
return ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>.error(d.message);
} catch (ex) {
return ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>.error(ex.toString());
class MyAttendanceController extends GetxController {
final MyAttendanceRepo myAttendanceRepo = MyAttendanceRepo();
var myAttendanceList = <ApiResponse<MyAttendanceModel>>[].obs;
var title = "My Attendance";
void onInit() {
Future fetchMyAttendance() async {
var response = await myAttendanceRepo.myAttendance();
if (response.status == ApiResponseStatus.completed) {
List<MyAttendanceModel> myAttendanceList =
} else {
Get.defaultDialog(title: response.message.toString());
Part of View
border: TableBorder.all(color: Colors.white),
dataRowColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith(
(states) => Colors.grey.shade300),
horizontalMargin: 35.0,
headingRowColor: MaterialStateColor.resolveWith(
(states) => Colors.grey.shade400),
columnSpacing: 30,
columns: const [
DataColumn(label: Text("date")),
DataColumn(label: Text('In Time')),
DataColumn(label: Text('Reader Name')),
rows: const [
cells: [
// here i would like to show the List of data from API
DataCell(Text('02:26:33 PM')),
API Response
I/flutter ( 9391):
I/flutter ( 9391): ╔╣ Response ║ GET ║ Status: 200 OK
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ http://**.**.***.***:***/***/***********/MyAttendance?memberid=100514
I/flutter ( 9391): ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════
I/flutter ( 9391): ╔ Body
I/flutter ( 9391): ║
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ [
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ {
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xsl: 31938,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ ztime: "2021-02-02T11:06:18",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zutime: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zid: 0,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xlastname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xtxnnum: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdate: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ memberid: "100514",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xRegstatus: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xref: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zemail: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ ximgid: 0,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xrfidcardno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xisactive: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xsalesperson: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xnidfileexten: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xvisafileexten: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xemail: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xmobile: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xphone: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xfax: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xprofession: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ oldmemberid: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xgender: "Female",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdob: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ memberxdob: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xnationality: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcomments: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xlocation: "Salmiya",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xmemberaddresslocation: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarmodelno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarcolor: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xremarks: "AUTO",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xattendancetime: "11:06:18 AM",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ IsMnualAttendance: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xverifyModeName: "Face",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xeventName: "Normal Verify Open",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xeventPointName: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xreaderName: "PlageD2Face-1-IN",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdevname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xareaName: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdevSn: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ idAPI: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xattendancedate: "02/02/2021",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcreatedby: "AUTO",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xformatdate: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ Isblock: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ strblockunblock: null
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ },
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ {
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xsl: 31969,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ ztime: "2020-11-05T18:00:59",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zutime: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zid: 0,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xlastname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xtxnnum: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdate: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ memberid: "100514",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xRegstatus: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xref: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ zemail: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ ximgid: 0,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xrfidcardno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xisactive: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xsalesperson: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xnidfileexten: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xvisafileexten: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xemail: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xmobile: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xphone: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xfax: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xprofession: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ oldmemberid: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xgender: "Female",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdob: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ memberxdob: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xnationality: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcomments: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xlocation: "Salmiya",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xmemberaddresslocation: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarmodelno: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcarcolor: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xremarks: "AUTO",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xattendancetime: "6:00:59 PM",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ IsMnualAttendance: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xverifyModeName: "Face",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xeventName: "Normal Verify Open",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xeventPointName: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xreaderName: "PlageD2Face-1-IN",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdevname: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xareaName: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xdevSn: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ idAPI: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xattendancedate: "05/11/2020",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xcreatedby: "AUTO",
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ xformatdate: null,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ Isblock: false,
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ strblockunblock: null
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ },
I/flutter ( 9391): ║ [
I/flutter ( 9391): ║
I/flutter ( 9391): ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
I/flutter ( 9391): ApiResponseStatus.error
[GETX] OPEN DIALOG 918862241
already decodes json data. Convert dynamic list to list of MyAttendanceModel and return list instead of one instance.
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
return ApiResponse<List<MyAttendanceModel>>.completed(
response.data.map<MyAttendanceModel>((item) => MyAttendanceModel.fromJson(item)).toList();