I am doing a dump file analyis for an application hang problem. Here is one interesting line from the stack trace.
0bc2f3e4 75a8bd1e 0bc2f298 0bc2f30c 00000001 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0bc2f32a 6a393c42 00000001 7ffdf000 00000001 kernel32!WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0x8e
Looking at WaitForMultipleObjectEx description in MSDN, the second parameter is const HANDLE *lpHandles. This make me thing that I should be able to do a !handle 7ffdf000 to figure out which event is it waiting for but when I do that, I get following
Type Error retrieving type
Any ideas what I may be doing wrong here or any tips on getting more details on cause of hang?
The second parameter is pointer to array of HANDLE's. In your case, since the size of array is 1, you should be able to dump the handle using command
!handle poi 7ffdf000