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PostgreSQL how to merge jsonb keys and count values

I have a table that looks somthing like the following:

id name category specs (jsonb)
1 product1 phones { "brand": "brand1", "color": "red", "size": 5, "memory": "8GB"}
2 product2 phones { "brand": "brand1", "color": "white", "size": 7, "memory": "8GB"}
3 product3 laptops { "brand": "brand20", "storage": "SSD", "os": "os1" , "memory": "32GB"}

My desired output given a specific category

    "brand": {
       "brand1": 1,
       "brand2": 1
    "color": {
       "red": 1,
       "white": 5,
    "memory": {
        "8gb": 2,


  • Blow out the specs column with jsonb_each_text(), calculate the counts, and then reassemble with jsonb_object_agg() (the first two CTEs could be combined into one, but I left them verbose for illustration):

    with blowout as (
      select s.category, j.key, j.value
        from somthing s
             cross join lateral jsonb_each_text(s.specs) as j(key, value)
    ), counts as (
      select category, key, value, count(1) as cnt
        from blowout
       group by category, key, value
    ), agg_specs as (
      select category, key, jsonb_object_agg(value, cnt) as counts
        from counts
       group by category, key
    select category, jsonb_object_agg(key, counts) as output
      from agg_specs
     group by category

    db<>fiddle here