I have a fitted lm
log_log_model = lm(log(price) ~ log(carat), data = diamonds)`
I want to predict price
using this model, but I'm not sure if I should be entering log(carat)
or carat
value as predictor into the predict()
Choice 1
exp(predict(log_log_model, data.frame(carat = log(3)),
interval = 'predict', level = 0.99))
Choice 2
exp(predict(log_log_model, data.frame(carat = 3),
interval = 'predict', level = 0.99))
Which one is correct?
Choice 2 is correct.
To give you some extra bit of confidence, let's inspect what the design matrix looks like when we make prediction.
## for diamonds dataset
## log-log linear model
fit <- lm(log(price) ~ log(carat), data = diamonds)
## for prediction
newdat <- data.frame(data.frame(carat = 3))
## evaluate the design matrix for prediction
Xp <- model.matrix(delete.response(terms(fit)), data = newdat)
# (Intercept) log(carat)
#1 1 1.098612
See it? carat = 3
is automatically evaluated to log(carat) = log(3)