I plan on using vim-plug with NeoVim. So, my init.lua
file will have function calls such as
vim.fn['plug#begin'](vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/plugged')
However, I don't want to assume vim-plug is definitely installed. I want my init.lua
file to degrade gracefully if vim-plug is not installed, rather than throwing an error
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: Vim:E117: Unknown function: plug#begin
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'plug#begin'
/Users/andy/.config/nvim/init.lua:8: in main chunk
How can I check if the vim-plug functions exist before attempting to call them?
I tried print(vim.fn['plug#begin'])
but that for some reason prints a non-null value: function: 0x0104ba36f0
, even though the function doesn't exist.
I tried
but that for some reason prints a non-null value:function: 0x0104ba36f0
, even though the function doesn't exist.
Presumably it's returning a function that throws the error you are getting. I would thus recommend using pcall
local success, error = pcall(vim.fn['plug#begin'], vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/plugged')
if not success then --[[fail gracefully]] end
caveat: this will catch any error, so you'll probably want to perform some check like if error:find"Unknown function" then ... end
to only catch this specific error.