Recently I started to use iGraph in Julia to generate random configuration models, since LightGraphs has a problem with time realization of these objects (link to a previous question related to this: random_configuration_model(N,E) takes to long on LightGraphs.jl). To generate such graphs, I generate a vector E
(1-based indexed) and from it I generate an iGraph object g2
as follows
using PyCall, Distributions
ig = pyimport("igraph")
E = zeros(Int64,N)
while test == false
for i in 1:N
E[i] = rand(NegativeBinomial(α,p))
s += E[i]
if iseven(s) == true
test = true
g = ig.Graph.Realize_Degree_Sequence(E)
My first question is related to the fact that python is 0-based indexed. By comparison of the components of E
to the degrees of g
, it seems that ig.Graph.Realize_Degree_Sequence(E)
automatically convert the index bases, generating a 0 based object g
from a 1-based object E
. Is this correct?
Secondly, I would like to enforce the random configuration graph g
to be simple, with no self loops nor multi-edges. iGraphs documentation ( says that the flag allowed_edge_types:IGRAPH_SIMPLE_SW
does the job, but I am not able to find the syntax to use it in Julia. Is it possible at all to use this flag in Julia?
You are reading C docs of igraph. You need to read Python documentation So:
julia> ige = [collect(e .+ 1) for e in ig.Graph.Degree_Sequence(collect(Any, E), method="no_multiple").get_edgelist()];
julia> extrema(reduce(vcat, ige)) # OK check
(1, 1000)
julia> sg = SimpleGraph(1000)
{1000, 0} undirected simple Int64 graph
julia> for (a, b) in ige
add_edge!(sg, a, b)
julia> sg # OK check
{1000, 5192} undirected simple Int64 graph
julia> length(ige) # OK check
julia> sort(degree(sg)) == sort(E) # OK check
I used "no_multiple"
algorithm, as "vl"
algorithm assumes connected graph and some of degrees of nodes in your graph can be 0.