I load data from Firestore into my Flutter app. For that I use the Flutterfire Firestore ODM. Everything works fine on the iOS Simulators and the release android app. But on the release iOS app I get the following error with no further explanation:
Instance of 'OA'. Error thrown null.
Other requests work just fine.
I cannot figure out what is wrong and cannot find an answer to this online. In Firebase Crashlytics I get to see this:
Non-fatal Exception: FlutterError
0 ??? 0x0 (null). #00 abs 0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x167a27
1 ??? 0x0 (null). #01 abs 0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x167a87
2 ??? 0x0 (null). #02 abs 0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x169b9b
3 ??? 0x0 (null). #03 abs 0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x1699bb
4 ??? 0x0 (null). #04 abs 0 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions+0x16995f
(this continues until line 59)
My Code:
ref: context.read<VacationRepository>().getDashboardVactions(),
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot<VacationEntityQuerySnapshot> snapshot, child) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
return ReuseableWidgets.linearSpinner;
if (snapshot.hasError) {
// ^ this is where the error is caught
return ReuseableWidgets.somethingWentWrong;
and getDashboardVacations()
FirestoreListenable<VacationEntityQuerySnapshot> getDashboardVactions() {
String currentUser = _authenticationRepository.currentUser.id;
return vacationsRef.whereMembers(arrayContainsAny: [currentUser]);
I do not know what or how it happens, but when obfuscating the build this feature broke.
So just remove the --obfuscate
map and it works again.