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How do you generate a struct dynamically at compile time in Rust?

I have the following:

struct Health {
  health: f32,

struct Position {
  position: Vec2,

struct Collections {
  healths: Vec<Health>,
  positions: Vec<Position>,

I would like to generate the Collections struct automatically; I am thinking using a macro?

I thought perhaps I could mark each struct I want to include with a custom attribute and then have a macro which builds the Collections struct.

How could I do this?


  • To be able to do something like custom attributes you need to write a proc_macro, that can do almost anything you need with your code.

    For a simpler solution you may try with a normal macro_rules. For that you will need to enclose your type definitions into a macro that does the parsing, and emits back the type definition plus the extra code you need, in your case the Container class.

    Something like this:

    macro_rules! collectables {
                $vis:vis struct $name:ident $def:tt
        ) => {
            // The struct definitions
                $vis struct $name $def
            // The container
            #[derive(Default, Debug)]
            pub struct Collections {
                $fname: Vec<$name>,

    Now you can use the macro to build your original code (playground):

        struct Health {
          health: f32,
        struct Position {
          position: (f32, f32),

    Note that as written the #[collection=xxx] attribute is mandatory and must be the first in every struct definition.