I am new to Prolog programming so still learning. I'm tryingto create a program that accepts a value X and returns a list of all prime numbers between 6 and X. I'll also be later adding an error output if X is entered as 6 or lower.
I have come up with the below code so far to have the value of x entered, y as the first prime number and the counter as 1. Even this is not working, as I try to increment the values of Y. If i can get this working I plan to then add conditions to only show Y if it is a prime, by checking that it divides by itself and 1.
If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
prime (X, Y, Counter) :-
X >= Y,
Next is Y + Counter,
prime (X, Next, Counter).
prime(X, Y, _) :-
Y > X.
Remove the spaces in prime (
here and here:
Then it works to call ?- prime(10, 3, 1).
and have it count.