I have two lists chapter
and verse
The text that I'm trying to add to these lists are as follows:
"الشورى22-23", "السجدة44-55"
translated into "Alshoura22-23", "Alsadjah44-55"
The ouput should be:
= ["الشورى", "السجدة"]
= ["22-23", "44-55"]
I tried many methods such as regression and iterate through each characters but to no avail! Could you please help?
Thank you
Regular expressions provide a way to accomplish this goal.
data = ["الشورى22-23", "السجدة44-55"]
verse = [re.findall(r'\d+\-\d+', s)[0] for s in data]
# ['22-23', '44-55']
chapter = [data[i].replace(verse[i], '') for i in range(len(verse))]
# ['الشورى', 'السجدة']