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When I'm trying to compile the Protobuf in golang, It's showing '"int" is not defined.'

While compiling the proto file, I'm getting '"int" is not defined'.

'test.proto' file

syntax = "proto3";

package test;

option go_package = "/;test";

message User {
    string FirstName = 1;
    string LastName = 2;
    string Address = 3;
    int Contact = 4;
    int Age = 5;
test.proto:11:5: "int" is not defined.


  • int is not a scalar type in proto3. You must use one of the valid scalar value types as specified:

    Replacing int with int32:

    syntax = "proto3";
    package test;
    option go_package = "/;test";
    message User {
        string FirstName = 1;
        string LastName = 2;
        string Address = 3;
        int32 Contact = 4;
        int32 Age = 5;