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Class template argument deduction for class with additional non-type arguments

Is it possible to make CTAD work for T in this case?

enum class boundary_type:int{inclusive, exclusive};

template<class T, boundary_type left, boundary_type right>
struct interval
    using value_type = T;

    T begin;
    T end;

I tried to add the decuction guide

template<boundary_type left, boundary_type right, class T>
interval(T, T) -> interval<T, left, right>;

But still gets error

wrong number of template arguments (2, should be 3)

when trying

interval<boundary_type::inclusive, boundary_type::exclusive>{0, 2}


  • CTAD cannot work with the partially explicitly specified template parameter. But you can do this using normal template function

    template<boundary_type left, boundary_type right, class T>
    auto make_interval(T begin, T end) {
      return interval<T, left, right>{begin, end};
    int main() {
      auto intval = make_interval<boundary_type::inclusive, 
                                  boundary_type::exclusive>(0, 2);