I am using overpass to create some queries.
My goal is to search within a box, all the relationships of type multipolygon. From those I want to extract all the possible way and node items which have at least one tag.
So far I was able to display all the the multipolygons like so:
[bbox: 48.18329,16.3765,48.18466,16.37787];
rel["type" = "multipolygon"] -> .relation;
/*end of auto repair*/
out body;
However I totally have no clue how to extract all the nodes and items with at least one tag. Same thing for the nodes.
Do you know a smart and elegant solution to achieve this task?
I was able to achieve my goal the following way:
[bbox: 48.18329,16.3765,48.18466,16.37787];
rel["type" = "multipolygon"] -> .relation;
way(r.relation)(if:count_tags() > 0);
/*end of auto repair*/
out body;
In addition if you want to filter out some other ways just use the following code:
[bbox: 48.18329,16.3765,48.18466,16.37787];
rel["type" = "multipolygon"] -> .relation;
way(r.relation)(if:count_tags() > 0); -
/*end of auto repair*/
out body;
Hope it helps somebody else as well.