I am trying to parse some output from a command, I want to check if the command had an error in it, so I look for the string **Apply Error**
. If there is no error present the previously mentioned string is absent. My regex to match that is (?s)Ran Apply.+?(\*\*Apply Error\*\*)?
. I am doing this in Golang
This regex does not work even when the string ** Apply Error**
is present in the output, if I remove the last ?
in my regex it works as expected. It captures 2 groups with the second being the optional part.
Case - 1 when the string **Apply Error**
is present
Ran Apply for dir: `some random path/something/something`
`**Apply Error**`
Output: Match **Apply Error**
and capture it as a group
Case - 2
When **Apply Error**
is not present
Ran Apply for dir: `some random path/something/something`
some random text
Output: Match everything as is
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/Um3CNc/1
In the demo even though ** Apply Error**
is present it does not match it
How can I match the optional part?
You can use
(?s)Ran Apply\b(?:.+?(\*\*Apply Error\*\*)|.*)
Inline modifier to have the dot match a newlineRan Apply\b
Match literally followed by a word boundary(?:
Non capture group.+?(\*\*Apply Error\*\*)
Match 1+ chars, as few as possible and capture **Apply Error**
in group 1
Match the rest of the text)
Close non capture groupSee a regex demo with Apply Error present and without Apply Error present.