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What is meant by Distributed System?

I am reading about distributed systems and getting confused with what is really means?

I understand on high level, it means that set of different machines that work together to achieve a single goal.

But this definition seems too broad and loose. I would like to give some points to explain the reasons for my confusion:

  1. I see lot of people referring the micro-services as distributed system where the functionalities like Order, Payment etc are distributed in different services, where as some other refer to multiple instances of Order service which possibly trying to serve customers and possibly use some consensus algorithm to come to consensus on shared state (eg. current Inventory level).

  2. When talking about distributed database, I see lot of people talk about different nodes which possibly use to store/serve a part of user request like records with primary key from 'A-C' in first node 'D-F' in second node etc. On high level it looks like sharding.

  3. When talking about distributed rate limiting. Some refer to multiple application nodes (so called distributed application nodes) using a single rate limiter, some other mention that the rate limiter itself has multiple nodes with a shared cache (like redis).

It feels that people use distributed systems to mention about microservices architecture, horizontal scaling, partitioning (sharding) and anything in between.


  • I am reading about distributed systems and getting confused with what is really means?

    As commented by @ReinhardMänner, the good general term definition of distributed system (DS) is at

    A distributed system is a system whose components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another from any system. The components interact with one another in order to achieve a common goal.

    Anything that fits above definition can be referred as DS. All mentioned examples such as micro-services, distributed databases, etc. are specific applications of the concept or implementation details.

    The statement "X being a distributed system" does not inherently imply any of such details and for each DS must be explicitly specified, eg. distributed database does not necessarily meaning usage of sharding.