I have a problem with sending an email with python. (yagmail)
don't worry about the Russian text.
and on email I had this:
As you see I have an extra space between the letters, and I don't know how to fix it. Also, I have the same problem when I send variable 'new' on Telegram.
there is a code:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from keys import keys
from remove_ads import cleaning_ads
import copy
import yagmail
def send_email(href, title, new, reason):
f1 = ""
for i in new:
f1 += str(i) + " "
new = f1
yag = yagmail.SMTP('cryptonewssender', 'xssjltxfjmbusqew')
contents = [
new, href
yag.send('cryptonewssender@gmail.com', title, contents)
# Alternatively, with a simple one-liner:
#yagmail.SMTP('cryptonewssender').send('cryptonewssender@gmail.com', title, contents)
def get_hrefs():
r = requests.get('https://www.rbc.ru/crypto/')
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
titles = soup.find_all("div", class_='item item_big js-index-exclude')
res = []
for title in titles:
tag_a = title.find('a', class_='item__link')
href = tag_a.get('href')
#----second part
titles1 = soup.find_all("div", class_='item js-index-exclude')
for title1 in titles1:
#print('===============', title1)
tag = title1.find('a', class_='item__link')
href = tag.get('href')
#----3-rd part
titles3 = soup.find_all("a", class_='item__link')
for title3 in titles3:
href = title3.get('href')
return res
def get_news():
hrefs = get_hrefs()
sended = []
for href in hrefs:
fit = False
print('HREF starterd --STARTED--')
r = requests.get(href)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "lxml")
title = soup.find('div', class_='article__header__title').text.strip()
all_text_final = []
all_txts_p = soup.find_all('p')
for all_txt in all_txts_p:
txt = all_txt.text.strip()
f1 = ""
for i in all_text_final:
f1 += str(i) + " "
text = copy.copy(f1)
new = f1.split()
new = cleaning_ads(new)
f = ""
for i in new:
f += str(i) + " "
new = f
if title not in sended:
for i in keys:
if i in new:
print('из за', i)
reason = i
f1 = ""
for i in new:
f1 += str(i) + ""
new = f1
send_email(href, title, new, reason)
fit = True
if fit == True:
print('это новость должна быть отправлена!!!!')
print('HREF closed --CLOSED--')
print('Our hrefs:', get_hrefs())
Sorry that I paste a lot of extra code(I think it can be useful)
Try removing the extra space when traversing new
variable, inside send_email()
and get_news
f1 = ""
for i in new:
f1 += str(i) + "" #Extra space removed from + " " to + ""
new = f1