I have a little link in my app that says "Send us an e-mail". When you click it, I want the default email app to open, with an email started to our email address. I used to make it do exactly that with the launch()
method in the url_launcher
package like this:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart' as url;
Future<bool?> pressedSendUsEmail() async {
bool? success;
try {
print('Pressed Send us an e-mail...');
success = await url.launch('mailto:our.email@gmail.com'); // Works like a charm...
print('success is $success');
} catch (e) {
print('Caught an error in Send us an e-mail!');
print('e is: ${e.toString()}');
return success;
But now, I get a warning saying launch()
is deprecated! I should use launchUrl()
instead. But launchUrl()
doesn't take a String argument, it takes a Uri argument... and I don't know how to write this Uri correctly, so that it does what I want! I tried:
success = await url.launchUrl(Uri(path: 'mailto:our.email@gmail.com'));
but that throws an error, because it can't interpret the ":" character. I've tried:
success = await url.launchUrl(
Uri.https('mailto:our.email@gmail.com', ''),
and that launches the link, but in the browser... and it doesn't start up an e-mail to the pre-printed address. I tried adding:
success = await url.launchUrl(
Uri.https('mailto:our.email@gmail.com', ''),
mode: url.LaunchMode.externalApplication,
and that gives me an option of which external app to open the link with, but unfortunately, only browser apps are listed... not the email app!
How should I write my command to make the launchUrl()
just do exactly what the old launch()
did?? Most grateful for help!
After that question was satisfactorily answered below, I now have a follow-up qn:
In another part of the app, there is a place where the user can type in a link, and I used to launch it with launch()
... Is there a simple way to do that, as well?
Because in that case, I don't know if the link is gonna be a http or a https or indeed a mailto:!... and I would prefer not having to write lots of code to find that out! I just want it to try and launch the link exactly the way it's written, and so long as it's written correctly, it will work.
Using the service already built-in to Uri
void _sendEmail(){
final Uri emailLaunchUri = Uri(
scheme: 'mailto',
path: 'our.email@gmail.com',
queryParameters: {
'subject': 'CallOut user Profile',
'body': widget.userModel?.username ?? ''