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PgConnection.getNotifications() is empty when using Hikari

I need to implement LISTEN/NOTIFY PostgreSQL in spring app. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 2.5.8. When I Autowired DataSource, by default it is HikariDataSource, to receive notifications, I need PgConnection which I get from Connection from DataSource, all this is wrapped by HikariProxyConnection, but in this case, I always receive an empty notification array.

code example

In case I am getting the connection using DriverManager.getConnection(url, "user", "pwd") all works if fine a I receive notifications.

Do you have some ideas how it can be solved?


  • Your connection is set to autoCommit = false, so the LISTEN statement is never committed.

    To fix this, you need to .commit() your LISTEN statement, or change HikariCP to use autocommit.

        val pgconnection = hikariDataSource.connection
        val stmt = pgconnection.createStatement()
        stmt.execute("LISTEN mymessage")
        pgconnection.commit() // Here's the fix!
        while (true) {
            val notifications = pgconnection.getNotifications(Int.MAX_VALUE)
            println("Size: ${notifications.size}")
            for (notification in notifications) {

    There's even a issue on HikariCP's GitHub, however trying to find this issue was hard, because for some reason it doesn't show up on Google. I was only able to find this issue because Brett created a gist trying to replicate the reported issue and the class name has the issue ID.