I have two different schemas.
const BookSchema = mongoose.Schema(
uuid: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
{ timestamps: true }
BookSchema.virtual("listing", {
ref: "Listing",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "book",
justOne: true,
// Tried adding this to check listing data with value isDeleted: false in Listing
// But it actually returns doc of BookSchema
match: (doc) => {
return doc;
const BookModal = mongoose.model("Book", BookSchema);
const ListingSchema = mongoose.Schema(
book: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Book"},
price: { type: Number, required: true },
listingId: { type: String, unique: true },
listingDate: { type: String, default: `${Date.now()}` },
isDeleted: { type: Boolean, default: false },
deletedAt: { type: Date, default: null },
{ timestamps: true }
const ListingModal = mongoose.model("Listing", BookSchema);
Let consider having following documents:
_id: "665zadas99",
uuid: "22ac",
name: "book 1",
}, {
_id: "776abebt00",
uuid: "12se",
name: "book 2",
_id: "123hdysak23",
book: "665zadas99", // referencing book 1
price: 100,
listingId: "1",
listingDate: "16021828",
isDeleted: true,
deletedAt: "2022-01-01",
}, {
_id: "654hska67",
book: "665zadas99", // referencing book 1
price: 300,
listingId: "2",
listingDate: "16031345",
isDeleted: false,
deletedAt: null,
}, {
_id: "479vaia67",
book: "776abebt00", // matching book 2
price: 300,
listingId: "3",
listingDate: "16031345",
isDeleted: true,
deletedAt: "2022-01-01",
Now when I query and populate the listing as,
I expect to get the following result: The books should only populate the data from the listings collection if the listing is not deleted.
_id: "665zadas99",
uuid: "22ac",
name: "book 1",
listing: {
_id: "654hska67",
book: "665zadas99",
price: 300,
listingId: "2",
listingDate: "16031345",
isDeleted: false,
deletedAt: null,
}, {
_id: "776abebt00",
uuid: "12se",
name: "book 2",
Current Output:
_id: "665zadas99",
uuid: "22ac",
name: "book 1",
listing: {
_id: "123hdysak23",
book: "665zadas99",
price: 100,
listingId: "1",
listingDate: "16021828",
isDeleted: true,
deletedAt: "2022-01-01",
}, {
_id: "776abebt00",
uuid: "12se",
name: "book 2",
listing: {
_id: "479vaia67",
book: "776abebt00",
price: 300,
listingId: "3",
listingDate: "16031345",
isDeleted: true,
deletedAt: "2022-01-01",
Is it possible to attain this with the usage of population
method and not using aggregations/other methods?
You can use basic query selector, the document is there if you want to do additional logic with the document that is currently populated:
BookSchema.virtual("listing", {
ref: "Listing",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "book",
justOne: true,
match: { isDeleted: false }