I have a XML file that has a series of attributes. The attributes look something like the list below:
<MyAttributes AT001="ABC" AT002="123" AT003="456" AT004="DEF" ... />
I need to iterate over the attributes and add them into a SQL table that looks something like this:
Name | Value |
AT001 | ABC |
AT002 | 123 |
AT003 | 456 |
AT004 | DEF |
... | ... |
Because the attribute list isn't fixed, I need to iterate over all the attributes to ensure each attribute gets added.
I typically can figure out how to do things in SQL, but this one has me stumped!
It is not clear what SQL you are using.
Here is how to do it in MS SQL Server by using its T-SQL and XQuery methods.
<MyAttributes AT001="ABC" AT002="123" AT003="456" AT004="DEF" />
SELECT c.value('local-name(.)', 'VARCHAR(30)') AS attr_name
, c.value('.', 'VARCHAR(30)') AS attr_value
FROM @xml.nodes('/Summary/MyAttributes/@*') AS t(c);
| attr_name | attr_value |
| AT001 | ABC |
| AT002 | 123 |
| AT003 | 456 |
| AT004 | DEF |