I have been messing around with generated functions in Julia, and have come to a weird problem I do not understand fully: My final goal would involve calling a macro (more specifically @tullio
) from within a generated function (to perform some tensor contractions that depend on the input tensors). But I have been having problems, which I narrowed down to calling the macro from within the generated function.
To illustrate the problem, let's consider a very simple example that also fails:
macro my_add(a,b)
return :($a + $b)
function add_one_expr(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
return :( @my_add($x,$y) )
@generated function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
return :( @my_add($x,$y) )
With these declarations, I find that eval(add_one_expr(2.0))
works just as expected and returns and expression
:(@my_add 2.0 1.0)
which correctly evaluates to 3.0
However evaluating add_one_gen(2.0)
returns the following error:
MethodError: no method matching +(::Type{Float64}, ::Float64)
Doing some research, I have found that @generated
actually produces two codes, and in one only the types of the variables can be used. I think this is what is happening here, but I do not understand what is happening at all. It must be some weird interaction between macros and generated functions.
Can someone explain and/or propose a solution? Thank you!
I find it helpful to think of generated functions as having two components: the body and any generated code (the stuff inside a quote..end
). The body is evaluated at compile time, and doesn't "know" the values, only the types. So for a generated function taking x::T
as an argument, any references to x
in the body will actually point to the type T
. This can be very confusing. To make things clearer, I recommend the body only refer to types, never to values.
Here's a little example:
julia> @generated function show_val_and_type(x::T) where {T}
println("x is ", x)
println("\$x is ", $x)
println("T is ", T)
println("\$T is ", $T)
julia> show_val_and_type(3)
x is 3
$x is Int64
T is Int64
$T is Int64
The interpolated $x
means "take the x
from the body (which refers to T
) and splice it in.
If you follow the approach of never referring to values in the body, you can test generated functions by removing the @generated
, like this:
julia> function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
julia> add_one_gen(3)
#= REPL[42]:4 =#
#= REPL[42]:4 =# @my_add x 1
That looks reasonable, but when we test it we get
julia> add_one_gen(3)
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined
[1] macro expansion
@ ./REPL[48]:4 [inlined]
[2] add_one_gen(x::Int64)
@ Main ./REPL[48]:1
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[49]:1
So let's see what the macro gives us
julia> @macroexpand @my_add x 1
:(Main.x + 1)
It's pointing to Main.x
, which doesn't exist. The macro is being too eager, and we need to delay its evaluation. The standard way to do this is with esc
. So finally, this works:
julia> macro my_add(a,b)
return :($(esc(a)) + $(esc(b)))
julia> @generated function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
julia> add_one_gen(3)