import random
import sys
print("Password Generator")
print("* Attention: - You may not generate a password with more than 70 characters\n"
" - You may not enter letters")
characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
pass_length = input("Enter your password length: ")
Here I just want to make sure the information that the user's input are numbers, not letters!
if pass_length.isnumeric() is False:
sys.exit("Natural numbers only!")
Is there a statement that can automatically run the script again after the "if" statement above is activated?
def password_gen_start():
password = "".join(random.sample(characters, int(pass_length)))
print("Your password has been generated: " + format(password))
if int(pass_length) >= 71 and pass_length.isnumeric() is True:
sys.exit("Password cannot be longer than 70 characters!")
if int(pass_length) < 71 and pass_length.isnumeric() is True:
You just have to put it in a while loop :
stop = ""
while stop != "yes":
pass_length = input("Enter your password length: ")
while not pass_length.isnumeric():
pass_length = input("Natural numbers only !\n Enter your password length: ")
# you put here the stuff that you want to execute
stop=input("do you want to stop ?")