I have this formtastic field in a form where an user input his credit card data:
<%= form.input :credit_card_type, :as => :radio, :collection => User.credit_card_types %>
User.credit_card_types look like this:
def self.credit_card_types
{'Visa' => VISA, 'Master Card' => MASTER_CARD, 'American Express' => AMERICAN_EXPRESS}
Which give me the following html:
<li id="user_credit_card_type_input" class="radio optional">
<legend class="label">
<label>Tipo de tarjeta</label>
<label for="user_credit_card_type_1">
<input type="radio" value="1" name="user[credit_card_type]" id="user_credit_card_type_1"> Master Card
<label for="user_credit_card_type_0">
<input type="radio" value="0" name="user[credit_card_type]" id="user_credit_card_type_0"> Visa</label>
<label for="user_credit_card_type_2">
<input type="radio" value="2" name="user[credit_card_type]" id="user_credit_card_type_2"> American Express</label>
Given that, my question is, how can I add an specific background image to each radio button label? I can't do it with CSS because the labels have not any id and I can't (or I don't know how) put one to then. I tried to add an image_tag but it escapes the html. Any suggestion ?
Formtastic can be customized for your needs. You should be able to find Formtastic configuration file in config/initializers. Add a line like this:
Formtastic::SemanticFormHelper.builder = SemanticCustomFormBuilder
Then create in your lib directory a file named semantic_custom_form_builder.rb
class SemanticCustomFormBuilder < Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder
def cicloon_special_radio_button_input
#define your radiobuttons here
You can use your custom definition like this in your forms:
<%= form.input :credit_card_type, :as => :cicloon_special_radio_button %>