In Azure Application Insights I grouped traces
entries per InvocationId
to trace parallel calls of an Azure Function.
| where timestamp between (todatetime('2022-06-29T21:00:00Z')..todatetime('2022-06-29T22:00:00Z'))
| where tostring(customDimensions.InvocationId) <> ""
| summarize StartedAt=min(timestamp), FinishedAt=max(timestamp),
by operation_Id, tostring(customDimensions.InvocationId)
Based on the Kusto query above, I want to create a chart, which displays the number of parallel runs over time. While I looked into Window functions and the make_series
operator, I found no solution. I want to render a timechart
, which shows per minute, how many invocations are running in parallel, e.g. countif(currentMinute? between (StartedAt..FinishedAt))
How can I produce the desired chart?
There are 2 downsides to this solution:
// Sample generation. Not part of the solution
let t = materialize(range i from 1 to 100 step 1 | project duration = 1h*rand(), StartedAt = ago(rand()*1d) | extend FinishedAt = StartedAt + duration | project-away duration);
// Solution starts here
| mv-expand timestamp = pack_array(StartedAt, FinishedAt) to typeof(datetime)
,delta = dynamic([1, -1]) to typeof(int)
| order by timestamp asc
| project timestamp, running_total = row_cumsum(delta)
| render timechart
This solution continues where you left, when we already have each call's StartedAt & FinishedAt.
From there we count each StartedAt as +1 and each FinishedAt as -1.
The running total is the number of parallel executions at each point.
// Sample generation. Not part of the solution
let t = materialize(range i from 1 to 100 step 1 | project duration = 1h*rand(), StartedAt = ago(rand()*1d) | extend FinishedAt = StartedAt + duration | project-away duration);
// Solution starts here
let p_resolution = 15m;
| mv-expand timestamp = pack_array(StartedAt, FinishedAt) to typeof(datetime)
,delta = dynamic([1, -1]) to typeof(int)
| order by timestamp asc
| extend running_total = row_cumsum(delta)
| make-series max(running_total) on timestamp step p_resolution
| render timechart