I am calculating a grouped row-wise moving average on a large data set. However, the process takes a too long time on a single thread. How can I efficiently speed up the process?
Please find a reproducible example below:
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'id': range(2),
'group_id': range(2),
'Date_1_F1': [1,2],
'Date_2_F1': [2,4],
'Date_3_F1': [3, 6],
'Date_4_F1': [4,8],
'Date_1_F2': [2,11],
'Date_2_F2': [6, 13],
'Date_3-F2': [10, 15],
'Date_4_F2': [14, 17]})
id group_id Date_1_F1 ... Date_2_F2 Date_3-F2 Date_4_F2
0 0 0 1 ... 6 10 14
1 1 1 2 ... 13 15 17
I have a function that returns the (row-wise) smoothed version of the dataset.
def smooth_ts(dataframe, ma_parameter = 2):
dataframe = (dataframe
.set_index(["id", "group_id"])
.groupby(lambda x: x.split("_")[-1], axis = 1, group_keys=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(ma_parameter, axis = 1)
.dropna(axis=1, how='all')))
dataframe.reset_index(inplace = True)
return dataframe
smoothed_df = smooth_ts(dataframe)
Thank you very much
You could (1) melt your data frame using pd.melt
, (2) create your grouping variable, (3) sort and group it aggregated by rolling.mean(2)
. Then you can use df.pivot
to display the required data. In this approach, there is an apply method that can be parallelized using swifter
. Here is an example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import swifter
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'id': range(2),
'group_id': range(2),
'Date_1_F1': [1,2],
'Date_2_F1': [2,4],
'Date_3_F1': [3, 6],
'Date_4_F1': [4,8],
'Date_1_F2': [2,11],
'Date_2_F2': [6, 13],
'Date_3-F2': [10, 15],
'Date_4_F2': [14, 17]})
df_melted = pd.melt(dataframe, id_vars=['id', 'group_id'])
# Use next line if you want to parallelize the apply method
# df_melted['groups'] = df_melted['variable'].str.split('_').swifter.apply(lambda v: v[-1])
df_melted['groups'] = df_melted['variable'].str.split('_').apply(lambda v: v[-1])
df_melted = df_melted.sort_values(['id', 'group_id', 'groups'])
df_tmp = df_melted.copy()
df_tmp['rolling_val'] = df_tmp.groupby(['id', 'group_id', 'groups'])['value'].rolling(2).mean().values
df_tmp.pivot(index=['id', 'group_id'], columns='variable', values='rolling_val').dropna(axis=1).reset_index().rename_axis(None, axis=1)
If you want to stick to your approach, you can accelerate it using the Pool
object from the multiprocessing
library, which parallelizes the mapping of a function to an iterator.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool
dataframe = pd.DataFrame({'id': range(2),
'group_id': range(2),
'Date_1_F1': [1,2],
'Date_2_F1': [2,4],
'Date_3_F1': [3, 6],
'Date_4_F1': [4,8],
'Date_1_F2': [2,11],
'Date_2_F2': [6, 13],
'Date_3-F2': [10, 15],
'Date_4_F2': [14, 17]})
def smooth_ts(dataframe, ma_parameter = 2):
dataframe = (dataframe
.set_index(["id", "group_id"])
.groupby(lambda x: x.split("_")[-1], axis = 1, group_keys=False)
.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(ma_parameter, axis = 1)
.dropna(axis=1, how='all')))
dataframe.reset_index(inplace = True)
return dataframe
id_chunks = np.array_split(dataframe.id.unique(), 2) # 2 : number of splits => corresponds to number of chunks
df_chunks = [dataframe[dataframe['id'].isin(i)] for i in id_chunks] # list containing chunked data frames
with Pool(2) as p: dfs_chunks = p.map(smooth_ts, df_chunks) # applies function smooth_ts to list of data frames, use two processors as dfs_chunks only contain two data frames. For more chunks, number of processors can be increased