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how to get and update Rangeslider values from database?

I want to update the RangeSlider values from the database. but I don't know how to do this please help to show and update the RangeSlider values from the database. I have two values from the database for RangeSlider to start and end which i set in getData() data but when I initialize the values in Rnageslider it gives me the error The argument type 'RangeValues?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'RangeValues'. and also in RangeLabels(_currentRangeValues.start.round().toString(),_currentRangeValues.end.round().toString(),) In RangeLabels it gives me an error:- The property 'start' can't be unconditionally accessed because the receiver can be 'null'. Try making the access conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!'). and same for end

values:- _currentRangeValues = RangeValues(data[0]['age1'], data[0]['age2']);
values which comes from databse:- 20 60 in getDData() function

here is my code:-

class Age extends StatefulWidget {

Age({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

_Age createState() => _Age();

class _Age extends State<Age >{

 var UsrID = Auth.prefs?.getString('usrid');

 var data;

 RangeValues? _currentRangeValues;

 void initState() {

getData() async{
 var res = await http.get(Uri.https('www.*******.com', 
 '/index.php',{'act':'profile','UsrID': '${UsrID}'}));
 data = jsonDecode(res.body);
 _currentRangeValues = RangeValues(data[0]['age1'], data[0]['age2']);
 setState(() {});

//RangeValues _currentRangeValues = RangeValues(30, 70);

 Widget build(BuildContext context){

return Scaffold(
         child: Column(
         crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
         children: [
            style: TextStyle(
            color: Color(0xff2c3531),
          activeColor: Color(0xff8f9df2),
          inactiveColor: Color(0xff9a9a9a),
          values: _currentRangeValues!,
          max: 100,
          divisions: 5,
          labels: RangeLabels(
          onChanged: (RangeValues? values) {
             setState(() {
                _currentRangeValues = values;

Anyone, please help how to initialize dynamic data in `RangeValues

Here is error in RangeSlider() widget :- Eror durind initialize the values


  • You have to use Nullable types to avoid this issue.

    change RangeValue to RangeValue?.

    and you have to use ! at _currentRangeValue!.start.round().toString()

    you can find more info on null safety Here