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Lodash to check object property on array elements

I want to use lodash to find a property of an object at a specific array element.

Lets say I am hitting an api and getting response which sets it to the react state "personsDetails" (whose initial value was null), so now it becomes

let personsDetails=[{name:'king',id:2},{name:'queen',id:3}] //sometimes i get 1 object and sometimes 2

now when i want to access "name" property of 2nd object i do

personsDetails && personsDetails[1] && personsDetails[1].name

So is there any shorted syntax of accessing it via using lodash ? If the values doesnt exist i need null

As far as i know _get property works with object only so here i am dealing with array and then object


  • You can still use get and set the default as null

    let personsDetails=[{name:'king',id:2},{name:'queen',id:3}] 
    let res = _.get(personsDetails, '',null) //or _.get(personsDetails, '[1].name',null)
    console.log(_.get(undefined, '',null))
    console.log(_.get([], '',null))
    <script src=""></script>

    or can use nth along with get and set the default as null

    let personsDetails=[{name:'king',id:2},{name:'queen',id:3}] 
    let res = _.get(_.nth(personsDetails,1),'name',null)
    <script src=""></script>